Pitfalls and Opportunities Associated with Recruitment Advertising

Recruitment – Technology Vs Human Interaction
Removing The Mystery From Supply Chain Recruitment

Pitfalls and Opportunities Associated with Recruitment Advertising

How do you attract great people? Whether you’re advertising or networking you are operating in a super competitive environment. We are constantly surprised by the difficulty clients have in successfully advertising roles when choosing to do their own recruitment. But that surprise probably undervalues our three decades of experience in how to achieve every opportunity from a recruitment advertisement.

Without claiming to be gurus we can tell you what works for us ….. every time.

Here are some Recruitment Advertising DO’s and DON’Ts

  • Do make sure the heading defines the role appropriately. And be aware that sometimes a title won’t convey the required message. Think carefully about what the role is, not what title it carries. We commonly change the proposed job title to better reflect the job requirements. Obviously this is generally not the case with senior roles. Managing Director or CEO rarely requires clarification. But generic titles such as General Manager Client Services, Branch Manager, Manager Container Services, etc., realistically don’t jump off the page and say “You need me”.
  • Do show some personality. A large majority of ads are virtual cookie-cutter versions of each other.  Sure it is safe, but you will then only attract the “obvious” candidates, and miss out on those individuals who will add that something extra to your organisation. Candidates rarely snag the first job they apply for, which means your candidates are wading through a mire of job ads that all start to look the same.  If you want to inspire them to go that extra mile and put some real effort into their application, make it clear that they are not dealing with a run of the mill organisation.  Sell your company as much as the role. This is very important, not only in the ad, but also in the recruitment process.
  • Do focus on the individual as well as the task. Allude to their ability to communicate, engage, create teams, pursue success, motivate, measure, manage, effectively delegate, mentor, problem solve, plan, influence, sell, and promote. It’s no good employing the most qualified person in the room if they lack the ability to leverage their skills and objejctives into your business.
  • Do communicate the opportunity. Can it lead to genuine career advancement? Will it provide valuable contemporary experience? Is there the potential for additional financial reward? Will they be working with a respected team? Is there an invigorating culture? Is there an exciting challenge?

Finally make sure that your appropriate manager has significant input into what is required, the persona and skills of the person they want, and involvement in the selection process. They must “own” the decision, and accept responsibility for the result. Similarly if you are going to use an external recruiter make sure they spend time in your business to appropriately understand its products and services, personality, geography, needs and objectives. How else can they find you the right person?

Good luck …. if we can assist with quality Supply Chain Personnel please give us a call on 02.9487.4442. We’ll be happy to pay a visit, learn a little about your business and hopefully add value to your recruitment or contractor requirements.




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