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8 Ways to Communicate Effectively

  • Is there anything more important in an organisation than effective communication?
  • Is there anything more dangerous and costly than ineffective communication?
    Someone says “yes, I agree” ….. but do they?Or “yes I’m happy with the outcome” ……. but are they?

We are all relatively confident in our ability to communicate a message or delegate a task, but therein lies the problem. That is our Achilles heel!

Consider the following complexities …….

  • It is more important to think about what the listener does with our message than what our message does to the listener.
  • Listeners generally interpret messages in ways which make them feel comfortable and secure.
  • When people’s attitudes are attacked head on, they will likely defend those attitudes and in the process, reinforce them.
  • People pay most attention to messages that are relevant to their own circumstances and point of view.
  • People insecure in relationships are unlikely to be good listeners, and even more unlikely to admit to a lack of understanding.

eXenet’s proprietary m8tes program provides a simple and very effective way to ensure that communication both within your organisation and with your external stakeholders is as good as it can be.

Download our m8tes fundamentals and see if they can assist you to achieve excellence.

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